This course is for Singers that experience strain, hypertension or fatique and turn it into flexibility & freedom.

Enroll in Practicle Tools to Relax & Improve your Voice
In This self-paced course is a toolbox full of practical exercises focused on relaxation and setting your voice up for regeneration, approaching the voice as part of the whole body. I will teach you specific exercises for your whole body, as well as focused areas like Voice Production, Jaw, Tongue, Laryngeal Muscles, LAX VOX®, Airflow, Vagus Nerve and Body Awareness. This course contains instruction, but is also set up in a way to use as part of your daily vocal training.
Learn how to Relax & Maintain your "Singing" Muscles, Use your Whole body and Enjoy a Singing Voice that is Limitless & Unstoppable

Sing without False Vocal Fold Contraction

Learn a DIY Vocal Massage to improve laryngeal flexibility & tone of voice

Stretching your whole body to support your vocal folds

Over 26 Video's of content & Practical Exercises
This is a course you can benefit from your whole Singing life
Voice Relaxation & Regeneration
Definition "Regeneration": is the process of replacing or restoring damaged or missing cells, tissues, organs, and even entire body parts to full function. Source: National Institute of
General Medical Sciences
This Course is not for you if you:
.. Have a history of Cancer in the Neck-, throat & Torso Area
If you've experienced Hoarseness, Aphonia or a Breathy voice for more two weeks now, I highly recommend scheduling a free 20min consult with me before purchasing this course. This is to see if this course is helpful & "safe" for you at this point. Click here
This course is beneficial for every level & type of singer, however, this is especially encouraged if one of these apply to you

.. You know singing is a big part of your life and part of your calling
.. You sing a lot, whether it be at church, in local café's, at online gigs or a sold out stadium
.. You're not a 100% sure how to care for your voice
.. You experience your voice getting tired during or after singing
.. A "Morning Voice", it takes a while for your voice to "start up"
... Tension while singing, whether it be certain moments, or on a constant base
.. The way your voice sounds or comes out is not always predictable, which makes you hope it comes out well
.. You experience hoarseness, breathiness or a lack of strenght after a performances
.. Your voice flips, cracks or dissappears sometimes during a performance
.. You always feel like you take one step forward & two steps back
This is what you'll walk away with
In- Depth Course
Part 2 Practical Exercises, Workshop Style.
This course is part of a two- part course program.
Part 1 is the Masterclass version of this e- course Called: Vocal Health as a Lifestyle and provides Strategy, Targeted Solutions & Insight. It is recommend to start with Part 1 and follow it up with this Part 2 course with practical exercises. But you can also use this course on it's own.
.. You have learned about Basic Voice Anatomy & Musculature
.. Knowing & Experienced how to assess restriction (aka tension/ strain) & how to change that in the moment, as well preventing it in the long run
..Learned & Experienced how to sing without restriction (aka tension/ strain)
.. Learned & Experienced how to effectively warm- up & Stretch Your Whole Body before singing
.. Experienced how to release Jaw & Tongue Tension
.. Experienced how to use LAX VOX® to regenerate your Voice after Vocal Fatique, Short term Hoarseness & insufficient Vocal Fold Closure
.. Insight in Which Laryngeal muscles are important for Speaking & Singing and experienced how to stretch them
.. Experienced how to apply a Vocal Massage at home to maintain your vocal flexibility and stamina as well as reducing medium habitual tension in your mouth- throat- and neck- area.
.. Learned How to adjust your airflow to a sustainable sound & voice
.. Learned how the nervous system affects your Singing & how to regulate your Vagus Nerve
.. Learned & Experienced the benefits of humming
.. Access to a Video Practice Routine that you can use for your daily Singing training
The content provided in this online course by House of Voice L.L.C, including massage and stretching exercises, is intended for educational and informational purposes only. It does not constitute professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always consult with a qualified healthcare provider before starting any new exercise regimen, particularly if you have existing health conditions or concerns. By participating in this course, you acknowledge and agree that House of Voice L.L.C is not liable for any injuries or adverse effects that may result from the exercises demonstrated. Please proceed with caution and listen to your body’s limits.
When is Relaxation Important
Voice professionals often say, “Relax those muscles when you sing this or that.” But this advice can actually be interpreted in different ways.
So here’s the deal:
When it comes to muscle tension, you don’t want to overstrain, but you also don’t want to be too relaxed.
The latter—singing with "lazy" technique—means not using enough muscle tension, which results in weak voice production.
That said, most people tend to use too much tension. That’s why we often say, “Loosen up, relax those muscles.”
The goal isn’t to have no muscle tension at all, nor is it to have too much. What we want is a balanced amount of tension that supports the voice without strain.
This balance is called eutony.
Excessive tension, especially in the face, throat, neck, shoulders, and chest, can interfere with the movement of your larynx (voice box), your vocal folds, and can even alter the sound of your voice.
Over time, this can lead to vocal fatigue, strained singing, a piercing tone, hoarseness, lack of vocal flexibility, and, if neglected, vocal disorders or injuries.
Vocal massage, sustainable voice techniques, and voice care have all been shown to prevent and restore vocal function in cases of vocal hypertonia (excessive muscle tension).
Parts 1 and 2 of this course cover all three aspects to set you up for success as a singer.
In this course (Part 2), I’ll guide you step-by-step through how to stretch the most affected muscle groups for singers.
Even if you don’t currently experience strain, regular stretching of these muscles can help prevent, maintain your stamina as well as accelerate muscle and fascia recovery after a performance or heavy voice use.