In 11 short days I'll show you how to practice different aspects of your voice, that will cost you only 10-15 min of your day, so that you can build the habit to practice effectively and finally get the results you want for your voice.
Yes - this works for any background, whether you are a beginning or advanced Contemporary Singer
Jan 3d - 14th, 2025
Daily Singing practice Video's
Value of $225

Are you someone who has a deep desire to fulfill your God-given purpose through singing?​
You long to express yourself through your voice...
freely without limitations, but you experience strain or can't just sing
every song the way you want yet..
Maybe you find yourself distracted by technicalities when you’re performing or leading worship or your voice isn't lining up with the expression you want to convey..
Or perhaps this is you... you're already super proud of how far you've come, but you want to set some time apart to fine-tune different parts of your voice.
Then this 11 day Challenge is for you!
If you are like me..
days fly by and you have a hard time getting yourself to practice. And when you are practicing you want to practice it all at once and get nothing truly done!
"How would you feel if you had a "plan" that helps you practice daily for 10-15 minutes, using a tool that expedites your vocal growth?"
The thinking is done for you and the practice time is short and sweet so it is easy to make it happen.
Over the course of 11 days..
I'm going to show you how to train your voice effectively, while using LAX VOX®, so that you are well on your way to experience progression in your singing voice in the next 30 days or less.
And how you can do it without...
Overwhelm, Trying to change everything at once
30 minute warm- ups
Hour- long practices
What I’m about to share with you is going to be your secret weapon to create real freedom for your voice.
In my opinion, the key to success isn't only knowning how to do it, it is actually doing it. This is where habit building comes in.
Are You Ready to “Ditch the Overwhelm” and Finally get Results?
Nov 1st - 11th 9.00- 9.10am (CST)
YES - I want to join the 11 DAY SINGING CHALLENGE
Join me LIVE or Watch Replay from any device
Nov 1st - 11th 9.00- 9.10am (CST)
In 11 days we are going to cover these

Meet Your Coach
I grew up loving singing, but it frustrated me that I couldn't do, what others seem to be able to do so easily. In my young adult life I would wear my voice out during every performance or church service, causing it to sound hoarse or breathy which usually lasted up to a couple of days. Studying Voice Pathology and Therapy at Speech- Voice and Language School was the beginning towards healing & good stewardship. I am so thankful I learned that many singers GROW into into their full potential.
Even though I love to sing, I just as much love to teach others how to sing and speak with ease & joy! Because of my own journey, I understand the obstacles (and emotions!!), but also the tools to grow, expand and train your voice
Professionally I am a Voice Therapist (specialized SLP) since 2012 and aSinging Voice Coach since 2019. In 2014 I learned about this incredible voice tool LAX VOX® and became a certified LAX VOX® Master Trainer at the LAX VOX® Institute in Germany. Because if it's many benefits I want to teach as many singers as possible how to use LAX VOX® effectively.
I see the voice as a whole (holistic) and am obsessed with Voice Science & Vocal Health
For to long, singers have backed down, thinking they didn't have what it takes, or not fully understanding the importance of stewarding their voice.
If that resonates with you, It is my joy to bring vision, freedom, hope and practical tools into your vocal journey!
​So friend, are You ready to invest in your voice?!
And.. Are You Ready to join me in Fine Tuning your Registers, Expanding your Range, Smoothing out your Voice Break and increase your Vocal Options?
YES - I want to join the 11 DAY SINGING CHALLENGE
Join me LIVE or Watch Replay from any device
Nov 1st - 11th 9.00- 9.10am (CST) Only $47

Nov 1st - 11th 9.00- 9.10am (CST)

Over the course of 11 days, I’ll go live on Instagram each morning at 9:00 AM (CST).
If you don’t have Instagram, you can easily sign up or watch the replay on YouTube
I’ll guide you through two singing exercises that will take approximately 10-15 minutes.
Each day will focus on a different aspect of the voice, with exercises targeted at one specific voice quality.
You can join me live at 9:00 AM (CST) or practice with the replay on either Instagram or YouTube.
Once you’re signed up,
I’ll send you a link to a hidden Instagram course page, where I’ll go live and share the content.
You’ll have access to the replays for 30 days after the final challenge date.
This challenge is low-key in exposure; you’ll see me, but I won’t see you.
You can ask questions during the live session, and I’ll answer them live afterwards.

A LAX VOX® Tube (your new best friend ;)
A Bottle/Glass filled with about 10-15 cm of water
You cannot experience the results without a LAX VOX® tube. These exercises are specifically tailored for Water Resistant Therapy, so a thin straw (in water) is not recommended for this challenge.
Tube Specifications:
Diameter: 1 cm (10 mm)
Length: 35 cm
Preferably made of silicone material
If you don’t have one yet, you can easily order one:
USA customers can order their tube here:
Worldwide customers can order their tube here:
Additional Requirements:
Internet connection + device
Instagram account for the live sessions or YouTube for replays

Challenges show you what you're made of, that you can do more than you thought, and they create fast results. Results motivate.
Doing a challenge by yourself can be hard because no one holds you accountable.
But if you have somewhere to “go to” each day, it gives you that extra push to show up and practice.
Creating new habits requires making it as easy as possible for you to actually do it. Research indicates that if a task takes more than two minutes to initiate, many people are less likely to follow through.
This challenge is structured so that all you have to do is go to our Instagram page to join an immediate voice training session. This will set you up for success in building a new habit.
Because the training is short (10-15 minutes), it allows you to focus fully on the task and how your voice responds. Studies suggest that shorter, consistent practice sessions can lead to better retention and skill acquisition over time, reducing the risk of learning a new skill incorrectly.
You can rinse and repeat this repertoire of exercises for 30 more days, so that after the challenge, you’ll still know what to do, make the exercises your own, and build a new habit of practicing daily.
While the common belief is that a new habit takes about 21 to 30 days to form, the actual timeframe can vary based on individual circumstances and the complexity of the habit.
LAX VOX® creates results within five minutes for most singers. Imagine doing this for 110 minutes!
Why Lax Vox®
Working with LAX VOX® creates faster results for your singing voice. Here's WHY Benefits: + Soft Palate Closes, creates more volume, clear sound quality and clearer articulation. + Massage Effect in the Cheeks & Jaws that results in relaxation of these muscle groups. + Massage Effect of the mucous and musculature in the Vocal Tract + Widens the False Vocal Folds (reduces strain/ pressed singing) + Promotes vocal fold closure, promotes effortless vibration, promotes breath-voice balance. + Relaxation of the Larynx, bringing it in a neutral position + Improves Breathing + Activates the Vagus Narve + Visual, auditory and kinesthetic biofeedback LAX VOX® is a vocal exercise where you phonate through a silicone tube in water. LAX VOX® is helpful for different goals and parts of singing. These LAX VOX® exercises help regenerate the voice, provide a calming effect, and supports voice training. Developed in the 1990s by Finnish speech therapist Marketta Sihvo, LAX VOX® is now a key part of voice therapy, vocal health, respiratory therapy, and Singing Coaching. Most if not all Singing Voice Methods aim to optimize the balance between the air pressure below the vocal folds (subglottal pressure) and the air above the vocal folds (supra glottal pressure). The effect of an optimized balance is a complete vocal fold closure and an even vibration pattern. This sounds like a clear, sustainable and flexible voice, without escaping air or noise, produced as effortlessly as possible. So by doing LAX VOX® exercises, your voice will produce a clearer, more effortless sound, while also improving the stamina of your voice. It will support growing your range, smooth out your voice break (you know when your voice flips when you go down or up in a pitch) but also decreases Vocal Fatique. LAX VOX® helps create a balance in how we use our voice, which is known as the Upstream Downstream effect. Because you are making use of the upstream/ downstream effect, you will create faster results for your voice. UPSTREAM: When we breathe out, the air pushes against the vocal folds, making them vibrate. This vibrating air then travels out through the LAX VOX® Tube, producing sound. DOWNSTREAM: Follows the Upstream Effect; the LAX VOX® tube is partly closed by the lips, teeth, tongue, or epiglottis, similar to making sounds like lip thrill or certain voiced consonants (like [ʒ], [z], [v]), as well as vowels (like u, ü, i, and j). This closure causes air to build up above the vocal folds, increasing pressure in that area. This higher pressure above the vocal folds helps reduce the pressure below them, creating the right balance for better vocal fold vibration. Exercises based on this principle are called "Semi-Occluded Vocal Tract Exercises" (SOVTE). Breathing out against resistance, like when using LAX VOX®, increases positive expiratory pressure (PEP). This helps open up the airways and improve breathing while also aiding in clearing mucus. Devices that do this are known as PEP devices. LAX VOX® is one of these SOVTE tools and PEP devices. Along with the bubbling exercise using a straw in water, it is the only method that incorporates water resistance, earning it the name Water Resistance Therapy (WRT). Massage- Effect: this is another cool benefit of LAX VOX® exercises. Water Resistant Therapy creates a massage effect. 
This gives the sensation of relaxation and supports the regeneration of the Muscus- cells. Therefore LAX VOX® exercises are excellent for Colds (not to confuse with throat infections or Laryngitis), Vocal Fatique, Muscle Tension in Vocal folds + Vocal Tract et Al, Overuse and Voice Misuse. It helps increase your Vocal Capacity. LAX VOX® is a great tool for any singer really, but a must- have when you sing a lot or have multiple sets a day. Why the LAX VOX® Challenge is Effective 4.1 Targeted Application - More Than Just Bubbling Simply "bubbling a little at the start of a lesson" without understanding the goals, setting options, and exercise variations limits the effectiveness of LAX VOX®. You won't reach it's full potential. To make the most of LAX VOX®, you should answer these questions: To make the most of LAX VOX®, you should answer these questions: + What is the specific target? Can the desired goal be achieved with LAX VOX®? If yes, and there are no contra- indications, then you can proceed with using LAX VOX®. + Next, consider which settings and exercise sequences will best help you reach that goal. LAX VOX® Basic: This foundational exercise focuses on regulation and involves 2-3 minutes of gentle LAXVOXING, making it perfect for warming up and cooling down & Voice Recovery. LAX VOX® Training: After warming up, you can concentrate on specific vocal goals. It’s important to choose the right settings and exercises for this phase. House of Voice L.L.C. offers 1:1 Coaching that demonstrate how to apply these techniques effectively in different contexts. When used purposefully and combined with clear goals and methods, LAX VOX® becomes a highly effective and valuable tool. Contra- indications (do not use LAX VOX® Exercises when one of these apply to you) • in case of acute inflammation in the throat, larynx, trachea (f.e. laryngitis) • for metastases cancer in the head, pharynx, chest cavity • When LAXVOXING causes fatigue and exhaustion, such as in degenerative neurological diseases like ALS and myasthenia. • if inhalation through the nose and exhalation through the mouth are not possible: In these cases, inhalation may result in aspiration of the water and possible swallowing (e.g., in people with swallowing disorders). • in people with an open cleft palate, LAXVOXING is not possible because the air escapes through the nose and not through the mouth.

Illustration: All rights reserved for LAX VOX® Institute by Stephanie A. Kruse. Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this work is strictly prohibited.
Don't forget to get your LAX VOX® tube in time. You can purchase one here or anywhere close to your home
Value of $225
FAQ (frequently asked questions)
Frequently Asked Questions
I don't have an Instagram Account, can I still Join? Yes. If you want to go LIVE with me in the mornings, I would suggest to sign- up for Instagram, and delete the account after we finish the course. You can make an account through this link: https://www.instagram.com/ For re-watch you can practice with the youtube version of the LIVES. They will be uploaded that same day.
I can’t make it LIVE at that time, can I still join? Yes. I know that it can be difficult to find the same time for people to join. Especially with different timezones. You can re-watch through the Hidden Instagram Page or through Youtube Video's.
Why are the recordings available for 30 days instead of lifelong? This is actually for YOUR benefit. It is my goal to help you make this a habit. Urgency & Consistency are key. If I were to give you lifelong access, the chance is huge that you never will watch or re-watch these in the future. This is also why I can make the price as low as it is right now.
I have never LAXVOXED before, can I join? Yes! Right before the challenge starts, I'll send you a link with an instruction video that walks you through the Basic Exercise of LAX VOX®. You can practice along with this video so that you are ready to join the training in the Challenge.
Will I get personal feedback? This Challenge isn't set up in as way that you'll get personal feedback. You see me, but I won't see you. You do have the opportunity to ask personal questions during the LIVE session or by e-mail. If you are not sure if you are doing it right, you can always sign-up for a personal 1:1 lesson in which I'll help you apply LAX VOX® in the best way for your voice. Send me an e-mail to info@houseofvoicecoaching.com and I'll walk you through it.
I am not a singer, is this for me to? Every voice user can benefit from LAX VOX® exercises, as LAX VOX is used for vocational speakers as well as Voice Therapy. However, keep in mind that this challenge is made for singers, and so if you don't like to sing, this challenge may not be the right fit for you. You can send me a message if you want to have a course like this solely for the speaking voice: info@houseofvoicecoaching.com
What is your refund policy? Up to seven days in advance you'll get a full refund. Within seven days prior to the startdate there won't be any refunds. This has to do with the fact that there has to be a minimum amount of participators for this Challenge to happen.
I have been using LAX VOX before, is this still valuable for me? If you haven't been taking courses at the LAX VOX® Institute by S.A. Kruse, then this challenge should give you new insights & exercises to practice with. I thought I knew all about LAX VOX until I studied at the Institute and got the most up to date & effective way to practice with LAX VOX®. This Challenge goes beyond learning news ways to use LAX VOX®. It is an opportunity to work on the whole spectrum of your voice, so that you can FineTune and create nuances. If that is something you want, this challenge is for you!
Do I need a LAX VOX® tube or can I use something else? We don't recommend using anything else but the LAX VOX® tube, so that you create the results we are advertising for your voice. LAX VOX® is used differently then the SOVT straw, Better Voice Trainer Et al, and so these exercises are designed with LAX VOX® in mind.
Who is this Challenge for? (Contemporary) Singers, Songwriters, Worship Singers and Leaders, Voice Teachers & Voice Therapists Level: Beginning and Experienced
How is this helpful for Worship Singers/ Worship Leaders? A lot has been asked of the voices of us Worship Singers. We have practice, service and socializing within a short range of time. It's early mornings, late evenings. On top of that we express our voices in many different ways (soft, loud, high, low, keys that always aren't comfortable). It's important for our voices to be flexible & strong, so that you sing however you feel lead. LAX VOX® is an easy & effective tool that doesn't require much time to implement into your daily life. It's easy to bring to church and do in between sets. Let's steward our voices well!